
The Perfect Pair Of Sunglasses

When I was studying in an elementary school almost all my teachers had glasses on. Most of my teachers were very old and every time they would begin to teach they would be wearing these big Air Swimmers pairs of glasses. They looked very old school and I really hated staring at them. Well, this was a very long time ago. Nowadays, glasses are made so that they are fashionable to wear for both men and women. To be honest, my eye sight was perfect but just for the fun of it; I wore glasses to look good when I was young. In some countries, it is a leading fashion to wear big glasses without any lenses in them. I don’t know why but nowadays, this seems to be the new trend in some countries. Moreover, when I turned twenty two, my eye sight started to get bad and I was in need of glasses! Since there were many cool designs out there, I said to myself, “Since I would have to wear these too from now own, I will get myself the most fashionable glasses!” So I went out and got myself a pair of Titan 20 blacks! These glasses were perfect for me. When I tried it on for the first time, it made me look good, smart and charming at the same time! No joke! All I can say about these glasses are that the design is simple, but unique. It is very comfortable to wear and unlike any other glasses, the Titan 20 Air Swimmers black are very light to wear. It is as light as a feather! I wore them for a couple of weeks and guess what? I got bored of wearing the same glasses over and over so I thought to myself; why not get an extra pair of glasses? I checked my bank account and I was lucky to have just enough to purchase another one. So.. I went out and got myself a Titan Flex 32 black this time. These glasses are awesome! When I first tried it on, it made me look like a new person and it really brought out the colors of my eyes. Just like the Titan 20 black, the Titan Flex 32 are also light and very comfortable to wear. I was thankful to own these two wonderful pairs of glasses.Every time I drive, read a book or go out, I always wear one of these pairs of glasses. I don’t know if it’s a habit but I really do enjoy wearing them. It makes me look good and proud. Maybe I am just too into fashion or maybe I am just having a nostalgic moment; thinking about all the teachers who wore glasses when they were teaching me. No matter what the reason is, these glasses have helped me air angry bird a lot. It gave me the gift of sight and it gave me new looks to my fashion! There are new designs coming out every day and I hope there will be a better one for me in the future to come!

